Open-ended play and experiences give children the opportunity to make connections between themselves and their surroundings while experimenting and exploring the world around them!
National Hispanic Heritage Month is an important time to honor the influence and culture of Hispanic and Latino Americans who’ve helped shape the fabric of our nation!
As a new parent, the transition of returning to work, along with your child’s entrance into a new care environment, marks a big chapter. Here are some tips to help you all adjust to this new journey together!
Planning ahead? Keep Wondercamp in mind for next year too. Enrollment opens early so you can secure your spot and count on our teachers to give your child(ren) a wonderful summer experience!
Inspired by the summer games, we’re sharing some fun activities to get your child outside, moving, and having fun. You don’t have to do much to enjoy a little fresh air and imagination.
Teaching positive behaviors and social-emotional skills is less clear. Let’s explore some simple ways to nurture your child’s development in those areas!
This month, we’re going to focus on the final EQI in our blog series. The importance of building a language-rich environment in the classroom to support foundational development!