To be curious is to be inquisitive—to be eager to learn or know. It’s a trait we encourage our students to embrace because doing so leads to the development of their natural interests in the classroom, and beyond. Curiosity CadetsTM is a special enrichment program offered exclusively to our Everbrook Academy families in two-week increments throughout the school year.
Curiosity Cadets includes four unique subject areas designed to broaden each child’s horizons. Each program also further develops the 4Cs of 21st century learning through exciting hands-on experiences that expand the learning journey in a fun, memorable way.
Curious about Community
Focus: Community involvement and good citizenship.
Children learn how to be involved, lend a helping hand, give back, and create strong, positive connections that benefit them outside the classroom—with their friends, at home, in our communities, and in the world.
Focus: Nutrition and healthy eating habits.
By exploring different types of food (shapes, texture, etc.) and participating in the preparation of simple, healthful recipes, we hope to inspire your child to establish mindful habits that last a lifetime. And yes, your little foodie will also be a taste tester
Curious about Art
Focus: An exploration of culture and creativity.
Teachers introduce children to a variety of significant artists, art forms, and modes of expression. They’ll use the lessons as inspiration to create their own mini masterpieces in the styles of various art techniques and movements.
Curious about the World
Focus: Global exploration of diversity and languages.
Children get to travel around the world without leaving school. In our very own world’s fair, students get to experience the sights, sounds, and tastes of a variety of cultures from around the world.