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This is much more than just daycare. At our schools, we’re proud to support working families in our community. It starts with a healthy, safe environment when your child is away from home.
We offer personalized learning experiences in classrooms for infants to school-age students.
Have a school-age students? We’re also here to support you in the mornings and afternoons!
Every summer, we have tons of exciting things in store for children of all ages. Plenty of outdoor playtime, field trips for older children, hands-on activities, delicious food, and much more!
Get a sneak peek: We also invite you to join us during the week of Spring Break to get a first look at our exclusive summer camp experience.
We’re all on this journey together, so we provide a comprehensive digital experience to keep you connected. SproutAbout® is our all-in-one, custom-built family app that features live streaming video of your child’s classroom, education updates, as well as photos and videos to save and share. Get peace of mind and feel confident knowing the details of their day.
Check out our school for yourself to see all the exciting things going on. Tour today!
*Offer provides up to $200 off first week of attendance and up to $200 off a second week in January 2025. Tuition credits equal to up to $200 of enrolled tuition rate are applied with full weekly tuition paid in advance by check or ACH. Must enroll and attend prior to December 31, 2024. Enrollment is on a space available basis. No cash value. Limit one coupon per child. One time use. Not valid with any other credit or offer. Learning Care Group is not responsible for and cannot replace or redeem lost, stolen, destroyed, or expired coupons. Offer not valid for Learning Care Group associates or their immediate families. Offer subject to availability. Offer does not guarantee enrollment. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. ©2024 Learning Care Group (US) No. 2 Inc. Coupon Code: FY25Winter$200-Off2Weeks Offer expires: December 31, 2024.